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Rethinking African Presence and Contribution to Humanity.

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In a world characterized by an accelerated production of all kinds of knowledge and discourses, a world in which peoples, nations and their elites compete to frame, share and impose their visions of the past, present and future, the African World can no longer afford to be absent from the major debates on the challenges of our time.


After centuries of slavery and colonization, but also decades of misguided independence, calamitous governance and appalling mimicry, which partly explain Africa's current situation,  thinkers, scholars and creators from the continent and its Diasporas have the critical mission to regain their autonomy  of thought in order to achieve the necessary epistemological, cultural and political breaks  and reaffirm their people’s contributions to humankind.


This the reason why we decided to set up a Forum to rethink, from an a Global Africa perspective the major issues concerning the future of humanity: economic development, social justice, political governance, intellectual and cultural sovereignty, ecological transition, intergenerational dialogue, education, health, cultural heritage etc.  

AFROSPECTIVES intends to mobilize continental and diasporic intelligence to actively participate in the reflection and action on the important questions of our time. AFROSPECTIVES will contribute to the global effort of reconceptualisation and paradigms change through the revaluation and/or invention of endogenous concepts capable of reflecting the plurality of worldviews. Intellectual independence, rigorous research approaches and freedom of expression in exchanges are the foundations of the credibility of this Think Tank, which is not affiliated with any political, economic or other interest group or school of though




Through Transforming Narratives & Public Spaces

15 June 2023 |  Online Webinar

Routes of Enslaved Peoples event

Routes of Enslaved Peoples:

New Perspectives on Healing, Justice, and Well-Being

3 April 2023 |  Online Webinar

Museums facing Slavery event

Museums facing Slavery:

Challenge of Reconciling Narratives on a Common Heritage

11-16 April 2023 |  Réunion Island








Latest Videos

Se libérer des représentations dominantes | Dr Ali Moussa Iye | Afrospectives

Se libérer des représentations dominantes | Dr Ali Moussa Iye | Afrospectives

Les récits sont comme des entités qui ont leur propre histoire et trajectoires. Comme les rumeurs, ils échappent parfois au contrôle de ceux qui les ont créés. La capacité à inventer des mythologies et à raconter des récits sur le passé, le présent ou l'avenir est peut-être ce qui distingue le plus les humains des autres êtres vivants. C'est cette capacité qui a été le moteur de l'extraordinaire aventure humaine. Webinar: Le projet Les Routes des personnes mises en esclavage de l'UNESCO et l'institut Global Humanity for Peace, et la University of Wales Trinity St David (UWTSD), ont organisé conjointement une passionnante série de webinaires internationaux intitulée : Nouvelles perspectives sur la guérison collective, la justice sociale et le bien-être. Ces webinaires sont soutenus par AfroSpectives, et Spirit of Humanity Forum. Pour en lire plus à ce sujet : --- (English) Dr Ali Moussa Iye's presentation on the "Healing Through Transforming Narratives & Public Spaces" Webinar co-hosted by the UNESCO Routes of Enslaved Peoples project, and the University of Wales Trinity Saint David with the support of Afrospectives. Narratives are like entities with their own history and trajectory; like rumours, they sometimes go beyond the control of those who have created them. The ability to invent mythologies and tell narratives about the past and the future is perhaps what most distinguishes humans from other living beings. It is this capacity that has been the driving force behind the human extraordinary adventure. To read more on this click here :
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